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Croeso i Tidy Tryc Welcome

 A truck for carrying slices of big square bales.




The Tidy Tryc is designed for handling slices of different sized big square bales i.e. square, quadrants, midi and mini hesstons. The Tidy Tryc has an array of uses from manovering straw bedding around confined buildings, to carrying hay out to feeders behind a quadbike.

Please see demonstration video below.



Saving on hay/straw

With the price of small bales going up yearly, it would be a huge saving to purchase hay/straw as big square bales. (Assuming you save £60/tonne when buying hay/straw in big square bales rather than small bales, you would save £900 per load!

Excellent quality

Fully galvanised mild steel frame.

8" high speed wheels, with taper bearings for road use.

Easier portion control

The sliced nature of big square bales allows different amounts of wedges to be easily distributed. This would not be possible with a round bale.

Labour saving

Saves having to manually load heavy wedges into a wheelbarrow or sack.

Time saving

Saves time when loading, transporting and unloading. If you only save 5 minutes every day, (assuming the Tidy Tryc is used 200 days in a year) then you would save 17 hours annually!

Tidy barn

No loose hay/straw falls off during loading, keeping barn tidy.







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